IAF presents sculptor Sabin Howard with Institute for Classical Architecture and Art

The Italian Academy Foundation has announced its collaboration with the Institute for Classical Architecture and Art in New York for the presentation of the work of Sabin Howard, the Torino born sculptor, beginning with an exhibit of his sculpture March 2nd, 2012 to March 22nd at the Institute’s historic West 44th Street headquarters. At a reception for more than 60 people held at the home of Comm. & Mrs. Stefano Acunto on Saturday night February 4th, Mr. Howard unveiled his classically inspired bust of Apollo and discussed the joint initiative to promote a return to classical structure and form in art and to classical values. Mr. Howard, who has just produced a book called The Art of Life together with Traci Slatton, best selling novelist, will join with the Italian Academy Foundation and the Institute of Classical Art and Architecture for a panel and program on March 2nd which will include Peter Trippi, Editor of Fine Art Conoisseur; James Cooper, Editor of Arts Quarterly among other leading exponents of classicism in art.
During the February 4th reception which included Amb. Al Nassar, President of the UN General Assembly, Amb. Neritani of Albania, several celebrities including actor Tony LoBianco; Chairman of the National Academy, Richard Haas, several critics, artists and others from the world of the art, featured a performance on the piano by Azerbijian born pianist, Dina Pruzhansky, who presented works by Schumann, Chopin and Rochmaninoff. According to Stefano Acunto, Chairman of the I.A.F. this newest initiative returns to the roots of Italy’s greatest achievements in art and encourages the students to re-visit classical technique and structure in the creative process: “We endorse the manifesto on the Future of Art that will be presented on March 2nd, “ he noted, adding: “It represents a new look at the classics and a refreshing view of the spiritually enriching role of art in a cynical age.”