Under Franceschini, National Museums Open to Hire Directors From Outside Italy

Italian Minister of Culture, Dario Franceschini

Positions at National Museums were once off limits to non-Italians, but under new cultural leadership, they are now accepting applications from all. Dario Franceschini, who held the position of the Italian Minister of Culture from 2014-2018, resumed the role in Fall 2019 – and recently made the big announcement.

The previous minister, Alberto Bonisoli, had implemented measures limiting the autonomy of Italian museums by tightening government oversight into their spending and loans and removing their independent boards of trustees. This caused many problems that involve the battle with France regarding loans for the Louvre’s big Leonardo Da Vinci exhibit.

Villa Borghese, Rome

Bonsioli had signed a decree ending what was termed an “experiment,” which included hiring seven foreign museum directors. He said “there was enough talent at home.” There wasn’t anything that forbade foreign applicants, but a few contracts were abruptly terminated because of Bonsioli’s approach. 

In 2014, Franceschini had allowed – and now will again – non-Italian professionals to take the lead in the country’s national museums, which are home to about 60% of the world’s art treasures. His mission was that the museums reach their full potential. There are 13 directorial and upper managerial positions at many national museums now available.

The Free Museum Sunday initiative is also back into full force, which was very popular during his previous term. 

– Kaitlin Sonday

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