Green Homes Surge in Italy During Superbonus


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In July of 2020, the Italian government received an allocation of funds from the EU to put towards green efficiency and a reduction of climate change impact in any way possible. In efforts to put these funds to use, the government introduced a program that would allow many Italian residents to have the renovations on their homes paid for by up to a 110% tax credit so long as they use it to install more efficient systems.

These upgrades include replacing old boilers with new systems, adding solar panels to the household, increasing structural integrity to reduce seismic impact, and much more. Residents of Castelnuovo di Porto were particularly pleased by the introduction of this act as theirs is a city outside of Rome that has been plagued by earthquakes and economic decline for decades. It has been noted that roof repair has been especially expensive, rising to over 200,000 euro for the renovation of ancient stone buildings. Residents are now able to fix those cracks and damages caused by seismic effects because the Italian government has pledged to pay it back. 

Several other EU countries are planning to adopt this model in efforts to reduce their carbon emissions footprint. According to The Guardian as of March 1st 2022, more than 122,000 applications have been approved. By the introduction of the superbonus act, Italy has set the precedent for countries around the world to make a change in pledging to decrease their carbon footprint.

– Frank Pastula

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