Naples “Beautiful” New Metro Station Also Holds a Museum

Courtesy of Studio Fuksas

In Naples, the Duomo Metro station is set to open in July 2021. The new metro is a spectacular design by Architect Massimiliano Fuksas, a Roman architect who designed the Nuvola Congress Centre in Rome. It is set to be a part of Linea 1 in Piazza Amore.

Fuksas described the concept as, “an astronaut walk”, which seems fitting given its futuristic nature. Travelers are ushered into the subway by a series of steel panels that change colour depending on the time of the day and weather. The flooring is Travertine marble, and the exit staircase in lava stone.

The extraordinary metro also doubles as a museum for the 1st century AD ancient Roman temple that was discovered in 2004. The temple will be visible from street level through a glass and steel dome. Archaeological excavations are also set to continue even after the metro is open and in use.

“The most beautiful metro station in the world,” said Luigi de Magistris, mayor of Naples.

–Tatenda Chitima

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