Zero Premieres on Italian Netflix, Presenting an “Invisible” Reality

Courtesy of Francesco Berardinelli/NETFLIX

On the 21st of April, Zero debuted on Italian Netflix. The series follows the protagonist (Omar) who is a teenage delivery rider who feels invisible to his society. As the story progresses in the series, he gains the ability to be invisible. Omar’s newfound abilities set him on an adventure to save Milan’s Barrio suburb, during the adventure he develops friendships and overcomes personal insecurities that are tied to his identity. This is an especially unique story because it focuses on second and third generation Afro-Italians who often express how invisible they feel in the Italian society they have been born and raised into. 

Zero was co-written by 27-year-old Antonio Dikele Distefano, and the story is based on one of his books. Distefano is an Italian born to Angolan parents in Ravenna.  “When I started writing this series, I reflected on the fact that in Italy there is no culture of Black actors or directors,” Distefano told Italian news agency ANSA, “We have seen that there are, they exist, and they must be involved.”  

The story of Zero, should serve as an Italian story rooted in Afro-Italian identity but highlighting and representing all ignored members of Italian society. Since Zero has debuted it has spent most of its first week on Netflix as the number 1 series in Italy, it seems there is a good chance that Distefano can achieve his goal.  

  Tatenda Chitima

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