Bologna Celebrates 150th Anniversary of the Inventor of Radio

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Yesterday marked the 150th anniversary of one of the most important Italian inventors: Guglielmo Marconi. Born in Palazzo Marescalchi in Bologna on April 25, 1874, he changed human history in 1894 by sending the first radio signal from his home in the Bolognian countryside. Henceforth, Marconi became known as the inventor of the radio as he globalized communication and altered it forever. 

Recently, Marconi’s hometown of Bologna honored him by hosting “Marconi Days” – a festival of concerts, shows, and that took place in March and April discussing the legacy of the Italian inventor. The final celebration of “Marconi Days” took place yesterday on Marconi’s birthday. Located in the outskirts of Bologna as the Marconi’s country house, Villa Griffone housed the final celebration as it hosted a scientific conference that included 2023 Nobel Laureate in Physics Anne L’Heiller and NASA astrophysicist Mark Clampin.

Marconi lives on through his daughter, Elettra Marconi, 94, who during the final ceremony inaugurated a new commemorative postage stamp of her world-renowned father.  

Source: Bologna Celebrates 150 Years of Guglielmo Marconi and His Global Legacy | ITALY Magazine


– Diego Maldonado

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