Diplomatic Ties: Italy’s Embassy in India & the Frederick II Initiative

Photo Credit: https://lavocedinewyork.com/arts/cultura/2024/06/20/il-centro-studi-federico-ii-col-progetto-diplomazia-culturale-e-pace-nel-mondo/

A special event was recently held in Rome to present a book titled “The Embassy of Italy in India,” edited by Ambassador Gaetano Cortese. The book is part of a larger series dedicated to Italian embassies across the world, likely exploring the history, activities, and significance of these embassies, and highlighting the diplomatic, cultural, and historical ties between Italy and other countries

Notable attendees of this event included former Italian foreign minister Giulio Terzi Di Sant’Agata, the Indian ambassador to Italy, as well as the Italian ambassador to India, and other scholars and ambassadors. 

The event was centered around the presentation of this book, celebrating 75 years of diplomatic relations between Italy and India. Also introduced at this event was a project developed by the Frederick II Study Center “For Cultural Diplomacy and World Peace” and a preview of Augustale, a special coin symbolizing peace. 

At the event, Giuseppe Di Franco, President of the Frederick II Study Center presented both the goals and international projects of the Center, most notably the project focused on cultural diplomacy and peace. Di Franco emphasized the critical role cultural diplomacy plays in promoting Italy’s heritage. Senator Terzi Di Sant’Agata and Ambassador Cortese both commended Di Franco for his promotion of intercultural dialogue and peace. 

The first recipients of “L’Augustale” included Terzi Di Sant’Agata, Francesco Perfetti, and Ambassador Umberto Vattani. Dr. Giovanni Battista was honored with the Federiciano Seal and Ambassador Gaetano Cortese received the Federico II International Award at the event.


Presentation of “The Embassy of Italy in India” and the Frederick II Initiative 

– Sofie Lumaco 

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