Documentary on Letizia Battaglia Premieres at Biografilm Festival in Bologna

Letizia Battaglia’s remarkable photography and political career is once again in the public eye with the recently premiered documentary, Shooting the Mafia, directed by Kim Longinotto. The documentary is an intimate recount of the photographer’s life; starting from her turbulent youth, walking through her involvement in politics and photography, and finally ending with her life today and plans for her future.

Battaglia is recognized as one of the most important contemporary photographers, not only for her work showcasing the devastation of the mafia, but also for the civic and ethical elements she represents through her photographs. Through her uniquely captured photographs, Battaglia has brought audiences into her view of life in Sicily, and the dark, crude side of society. “I don’t just photograph murder victims and big arrests, but also the beauty of Palermo,” Battaglia said in an interview with i-Italy.

Photograph by Letizia Battaglia, courtesy of

The documentary explores Battaglia’s life and extensive career in photography and politics, and explains her proximity to the mafia throughout her work. Director Kim Longinotto weaves together a mix of interviews, testimonies, and photographs to showcase the life of a bold photographer and politician looking into the eyes of the mafia.

Photograph by Letizia Battaglia, courtesy of
Photograph by Letizia Battaglia, courtesy of


–Shauni Bernier

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