Mythical-Themed “Sensual” Fresco Discovered in Pompeii

On November 19, 2018, researchers in Pompeii were excavating a small, unassuming bedroom and discovered a never-before-seen fresco. The practically unscathed artwork depicts the mythical story of Zeus, disguised as a swan, seducing the Spartan queen Leda. While this and other myths were frequent subjects for Roman artists, the style of this discovery shows an unusually sensual depiction. The director of the Pompeii Archaeological park said of the fresco, it is “unique and interesting, and of very high quality.”

The work was uncovered by one of the EU-funded restoration teams currently restoring the Regio V sector of Pompeii. Despite the quality of the fresco’s appearance, its original owners are unknown. Many researchers have theories ranging from a merchant, to freed slave. The rest of the site will remain intact to preserve it until researchers are confident they will not damage the newly-unearthed fresco.
-William Caterham