Giotto’s Nativity Frescoes Projected in Assisi to Honor Healthcare Workers

As Christmas arrives to town, art and lights have been filling up Italy, from big cities to small towns. This opportunity gave Assisi the time to shine, a town in the region of Umbria. Over Christmas season Giotto’s Nativity frescoes are expected to be projected onto the façade of the Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi.

The artwork is to exhibit the frescos of Giotto’s Nativity scenes, as part of the artist finest works dedicated to the life of Virgin Mary. With strong features of Byzantine style, the frescos portray a personal and intimate relationship between Jesus and his Mother, surrounded by light and warmth that came with the birth of Christ.

It is believed that St. Francis has created the first nativity scene on Christmas Eve of 1223, the tradition of town remains until today. This time, adapting it to modern eras, and specially this particular year, frescoes are anticipated to be displayed as visual images onto the Basilica itself. This project is dedicated to the Saint of San Francesco and to other Pilgrims.

“A special Christmas that will relive the Franciscan spirit precisely in the Nativity scene invented by the saint of Assisi” said Father Enzo Fortunato, director of the Sacred Convent of Assisi.

Finestre sull’Arteonline art magazine reports that spectacles will also be shown in the exteriors of the Cathedral of San Rufino and the Basilica of Santa Chiara. And as a supplement, the statue of a nurse has been put up in front of St. France’s Basilica in recognition and respect to health worker’s battles against covid-19 this year.

This event will give special attention to those who can’t travel to Assisi by offering a virtual show for anyone to experience and with the desire to appreciate this millenary tradition from afar.


More information of the exhibition can be found on

Alex Heymert Siles.


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