Long-Lost Ancient Roman Mosaic Found Near Verona

The excavation site, courtesy of the Comune di Negrar di Valpolicella

Underneath a vineyard in the commune of Negrar di Valpolicella, north of Verona, a highly intact Roman fresco has been uncovered by archeologists. The team of archaeologists from the Superintendent of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of Verona began their work on this specific area in the summer of 2019, however, in February 2020 work was halted due to rising concerns over coronavirus. After this pause, the nearly 1600 year-old mosaic floor was found three feet below ground in a nearly perfect state. 

The dig director, Gianni de Zuccato, described the moment as, “one of the most moving experiences of my life.” He remarked to the New York Times, “I had the sensation of entering a time machine, of coming into contact with reality that’s long gone, so many centuries ago, and yet having the imprint of humankind.”

Detail of Roman mosaic, courtesy of the Comune di Negrar di Valpolicella

This site was in fact known to scholars before, as photographs from 1922 highlight an earlier archaeological campaign. However, the mosaics and surrounding villa structure were reburied and effectively forgotten since, until Zuccato and his team resumed their work in 2019.

Now, preservation is the chief concern of the team in order to maintain the integrity of these artifacts of cultural heritage. “We believe a cultural site of this value deserves attention and should be enhanced,” stated the mayor of Negrar di Valpolicella. Currently, the commune is in the process of liaising with the property owners to make this mosaic accessible to the public.

– Jori Bonadurer

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