Franceschini Proposes “Netflix of Italian Culture”

Cultural Minister Dario Franceschini

Dario Franceschini, Italian cultural minister, has announced plans to create what he called, a “Netflix of Italian Culture” in the coming months. After Covid-related lockdowns which brought a renaissance to online media consumption, online platforms for culture and arts have been given new attention.

“I am convinced that the online offer will continue even after the coronavirus emergency,” Franceschini said, “for example, there will be those who want to attend the premiere of La Scala in the theatre and those who will prefer to do so, paying, staying at home.”

This project would allow paid-access to an online platform that would enable viewers to engage in a trove of cultural materials at home. Franceschini also said that the “explosion of online creativity” during these locked weeks highlighted the “huge potential” of the internet in sharing Italian cultural content, adding that this was the starting point for developing more structured projects.

La Scala Opera House, Milan

– Jori Bonadurer

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