S. Ivo alla Sapienza: Restorations begin


On 30 October 2016, the Umbria region was impacted by a powerful earthquake of 6.5 magnitude. The earthquake caused structural damage to an architectural work of Borromini, S. Ivo alla Sapienza in Rome. Now, almost five years later, the renovations to rectify the damage are commencing.

S. Ivo alla Sapienza, widely known as a remarkable piece of architecture, is the work of the Italian-Swiss architect Francesco Borromini, who designed the edifice for La Sapienza university. The elaborate artistic details of the church, such as its white and black marbled floors and a multi-foiled dome, is what attracts thousands of visitors to the church every year. Borromini’s other extravagant designs still stand throughout the City.

The first phase of the renovation project included the hallway that connects Palazzo della Sapienza and Piazza S. Eustachio. Several rooms in the church and the Alessandrina Library also were included in this first phase of renovations.

The challenge of the restoration of church is maintaining the original phenomenal appearance, while creating a more durable structure. The second phase of renovations hopes to achieve this balance.

— Mahogany Brim

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