New York Institute of Culture Displaying Exhibit “Broom and Vesuvius” by Allegra Hicks Open Now

The New York Institute of Culture is now displaying works of Allegra Hicks inspired by the prose of Giacomo Leopardi, a prolific Italian poet from the early nineteenth century. Leopardi wrote a wide breadth of poetry and prose that encapsulated themes focusing on different aspects of humanity. The poet, struggling his entire life with a range of health issues, spent much time reading historical and philological texts, resulting in his writing about many facets of the human condition.

Art Work by Allegra Hicks on Display at New York Institute of Culture (image courtesy of:

Allegra Hicks, an artist living and working between London and Naples finds inspiration in the poeticism of Leopardi within her multimedia works of art belonging to the exhibition entitled, Broom and Vesuvius, that will take place at the New York Institute of Culture through October 19th. This exhibition contains eight pieces belonging to different artistic mediums including tapestry and sculpture. The specific piece of prose from Leopardi that Hicks draws inspiration from is one that emphasizes the finiteness of existence through the description of a metaphorical scene presenting a broom that will, inevitably, fall victim to flame. Hicks explains to La Voce di New York how when she was younger the profound nature of Leopardi’s works were not appreciated, however when she re-read it, “with the experience of a lifetime, I understood it’s meaning and absolute modernity” (La ginestra e il Vesuvius: Allegra Hicks riflette Sulla potenza della Natura). 

Art Work by Allegra Hicks on Display at New York Institute of Culture (image courtesy of:

The works, spanning across this multimedia exhibition, compellingly combine the finite nature of human existence with a rumination on the immense power of the natural world. Luciana Capretti for La Voce di New York eloquently describes how in the face of immortality, “The broom thus becomes a symbol of resilience; it knows it will wither, but it accepts its fate by enjoying the sun and air while it can” (La ginestra e il Vesuvius). Allegra Hicks’ works in this exhibition provide a captivating visual manifestation of these complex nuances of human existence. In addition to this exhibition, Hicks has another upcoming show that will take place in Naples from October 11th to October 13th, displaying her work inspired by legends of the city.



La ginestra e il Vesuvio: Allegra Hicks riflette sulla potenza della natura

-Samantha Wolfe

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