IAF Features Artist’s Book on a Prolific Series

Claudia Palmira, Italian Academy Foundation Vice President and Editor of the Italian Journal, is best known for her design and artistry. She authored 100 Iconics/Poetics, a newly released coffee table book.

The art series begins with her hand-painted lettering on the cover, then continues to present collages in large A4 landscape size beside a title, date, and personal comments. These creations began in 2011 when Ms. Palmira blended hand-drawn sketches, paintings, and digital elements into collage. Like an art diary, she curated a piece month after month. Eleven years and 100 pieces later, a collection formed.

With so many artworks, Palmira’s creativity extended across different themes, colors, and ideas. Even though readers enter her world of artistry, there is something for everyone. For those who connect with and desire a specific college for decoration, Palmira offers individual printings and the coffee table art book on her website. 100 Iconics/Poetics not only encapsulates her passion but also offers a timeless connection between emotions, culture, and the transformative power of art. 

Tannis Norton

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