MoMA celebrates the Legacy of Ennio Morricone

In collaboration with Cinecittà studios of Rome, the Museum of Modern Art commemorates the extensive work of Ennio Morricone. The exhibition commences December 1st of 2023 and will be on display in Manhattan until January 10th of 2024. The display showcases a selection of 35mm archival prints and 17 digital restorations derived from the work produced by Morricone and his distinctive taste.
During the span of his lifetime, Ennio Morricone composed soundtracks for a collection of Italian and American films which received outstanding appraisal from various publications. He is best known for composing the soundtrack of Sergio Leone’s Man with No Name trilogy. Morricone additionally cultivated the soundtrack for Quetin Tarentino’s Kill Bill: Volume 1 and Adrian Lyne’s controversial adaptation of Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita.
The exhibition highlights a rare German television feature of Morricone performing nonhierarchical improvisation with an experimental collective of composers. Morricone is recognised for his assortment of musical mediums used in the composition of his unique ensembles. The legacy of the talented Morricone continues to inspire an array of contemporary music generes influencing artists ranging from Jay-Z to Radiohead.
Kate Fitzgibbon